Monday, April 3, 2017

"A New Beginning"

The theme this week is "A New Beginning" by Lew.  Mac, Kathy, Lew, Christine and I have a little contest to show a new theme header each week. We now post anytime before 4 PM EDT on Mondays and voting begins after that. 

We are back from a break. This was good for me since I had a knee replacement and have been in a healing time off. I am making some great advances and am hoping to be back on the boat within a month. I visited Lake Hodgson today and it looked cold and foreboding. It should be warming soon.

My local back yard Black Squirrel visited my deck today. I love his white tail. Was this a new beginning?
This was a few weeks back at the Cuyahoga River. We had some recent cold spells.
Today in the front flower bed a blue hyacinth was blooming. 
Here is a Black Squirrel in the Ohio Buckeye Tree. It will be blooming soon.
See what the others show on my side bar.


Katney said...

That is an interesting tuft of white in his tail. My son has a patch of white in his moustache that is kind of like that.

imac said...

Lovely mixture Fishing Guy MDF of last of winter and spring coming along nicely

Ruth Hiebert said...

That squirrel looks quite stylish with the white streak in his tail.

George said...

I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your black squirrel -- we don't have any of those around here. I'm glad you're healing well from your knee replacement.

Linda G. said...

That is one cool-looking squirrel with a white tail! I saw your picture of the river. We will be seeing that river, I think, in the very near future.

heritagemom said...

Love the blue hyacinth!! And I'm glad your knee is healing well.